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Docs for versions 1.0.xAlpha

1. Installation
2. Usage
3. Support


First of all, download the latest package and extract it into a directory on your webserver. Point your browser to the script easyencode.php, and ensure that ee_config.php is writable. Enter data for your account and confirm. You will be requested to login with your inserted data. Do this, and the config script will be encoded to protect your access data. Now eE is installed and you can already start using it!


EasyEncode uses a very intuitive user interface. First of all, point your browser to the script easyencode.php and log in. Now you have to give the script some information about the file you want to encode. In the path field, put the relative path or the server path to your script INCLUDING the final slash. If the script you want to encode is in the same dir of easyencode.php, simply leave this field blank. In the script name field, write the name of your script (example: my_script.php). Choose the security level (1-low, 10-high, recommended 6-7) and decide if you want to create a backup copy (Note: as this is an Alpha version, you are always advised to create a backup copy). The backup copy will be created in the path you specified before. Let's make an example: you have easyencode.php in /myserver/mydocs/easyencode/ and you want to encode my_script.php, containing very reserved data in /myserver/mydocs/reserved/my_script.php. First of all, ensure that my_script.php is writable. Then run EasyEncode. In the path field put "../reserved/" or "/myserver/mydocs/reserved/", it's the same. In the script field put "my_script.php". As the file is really important, we select level 10. We also want to create a backup copy, so we also check the checkbox. Press "Encode Script" and that's all!!


As these are the first releases, we still don't have FAQs or something like that, if you encounter a problem, please let us know sending a mail to drf_php@users.sourceforge.net

This document can be found in .txt format. Click here to get it.

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